International Private Praxis in Jungian Analysis, Mentoring and Archetypal Pattern Analysis
Find True North
It is so easy to lose True North when the storms of life blow hard and furious. Sometimes you need a better compass, map, keel, or captain to guide the battered vessel toward a safe harbour—or anchor a new attitude, experience an unexplored perspective, or discover a way of being.
On this grand voyage called life, winds of depression, anxiety, trauma, aimlessness or uncertainty can threaten your capacity to cope. Knowing there is a deep current ever guiding you helps restore resilience—and entering these waters with the guidance and support of a Jungian analyst and psychotherapist will better equip you to read patterns, successfully navigate difficulties, and ride out the storms.
“What you are looking for is what is looking.”
—St. Francis of Assisi
Navigate the Depths
Muriel McMahon
As a Zurich-trained Jungian analyst and a registered psychotherapist with post-graduate work in unconscious communications, I study and teach the innate wisdom of dreams, fairy tales and traditional indigenous cultures. My clinical acumen and attunement to the deep unconscious is well practiced and founded on deep scholarship and academic study in dreams, archetypal patterns and unconscious communication.
Zurich-Trained Jungian Analyst (AGAP, IAAP)
College of Registered Psychotherapists of Ontario (CRPO:001112)

Read the Patterns
Translating the call of your soul amidst the noise of misalignment is essential to wellness. Dreams contain all the wisdom needed to successfully navigate life. Repetitive patterns offer clues that can lead you out of chaos toward creativity.
Accurately reading these patterns and using them as a foundation for positive change and healing, such as realignment of ego and archetype, is the goal of this process. Conscious intentions alone are not enough to generate the momentum needed to move forward with certainty and unlock your highest potential. My work as psychotherapist and Jungian analyst in private praxis for nearly 20 years, and my work with story for 40 years, provides a foundation for fathoming and then successfully translating and addressing your most challenging life issues.
“The starry vault of heaven is in truth the open book of cosmic projection, in which are reflected the mythologems, i.e., the archetypes. In this vision astrology and alchemy, the two classical functionaries of the psychology of the collective unconscious, join hands.” —Carl G. Jung