Seven Generations

Contrary Dancers
Muriel McMahon Muriel McMahon

Contrary Dancers

The dancers themselves dance for us all.  They unwind the certainty of our endeavours.  They turn willingly though not naively toward the dark.

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Wilderness Vigil
Muriel McMahon Muriel McMahon

Wilderness Vigil

Even at the summit of Mt. Sinai, there is a Voice in the clouds, in the burning bush, in the tongues of fire.

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To Pray
Muriel McMahon Muriel McMahon

To Pray

Alignment to an emergent field.

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End Times
Muriel McMahon Muriel McMahon

End Times

I resolve to reach up, to reach higher, to reach farther. 

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Muriel McMahon Muriel McMahon


Deep in our soul we know these monsters exist. The ritual parade and Krampus events touch it and contain it.

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Silent Night
Muriel McMahon Muriel McMahon

Silent Night

Why is it that those with so little offer so much? How is it that the gift giver is honoured more than the gift? When is it that the feast that is not part of your religion or culture is still celebrated with respect for the other? Where is the stranger the guest and something deeper and more eternal is touched regardless of differences and maybe even because of them?

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Muriel McMahon Muriel McMahon


The story told and the story we tell of these times will either transmit the mind virus or offer an essential antidote.

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The Tension of the Opposites
Muriel McMahon Muriel McMahon

The Tension of the Opposites

What sacred cows are we prepared to sacrifice on the altars of our development? Personally? Collectively? To what do we bind ourselves? To whom? What flags or banners or colours do we stand under? What do we stand for? What do we see when we comprehend our deepest and highest value? What if this were the god we serve? What if the ultimate task of these times was to know this and find communion with the other? Communion with the Other.

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Muriel McMahon Muriel McMahon


The verb κλαιω (klaio) means to wail. Unlike the more modest and private activity of weeping (δακρυω, dakruo), this verb describes the loudly communicated expression of grief or pain. We are surely in klaios time. There is much to be mourned.

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Hungry Ghosts
Muriel McMahon Muriel McMahon

Hungry Ghosts

We carve our jack-o-lanterns and light our candles. We visage the monsters we know and costume our fears in carnival attire. Like the gargoyles on the corners of the Gothic cathedrals, we sentry the monsters we know to ward off the monsters we do not know.

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